Lightwave 9.6 Advance UV
Mapping/Texturing Vol #2
Topics Covered:
-Advanced UV Editing in Lightwave
-Adobe Photoshop Advanced Image Editing Techniques
-How to use photos/images to surface a female character in Lightwave
-How to organize and prepare you images in Photoshop for later use.
-How to Blend images and cover up UV Seams.
-How to use Layers in Photoshop
-How to layer images in Lightwave using the surface editor.
-Introduction to Surface Baker
-How to Bake surfaces from one UV map to another.
-and much much more.
Hours and hours of extensive footage showing the whole process of
manipulating real photos to wrap onto your digital character.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
High Quality Quicktime Files for clean and sharp viewing on your Computer
Monitor. |